MindfulRead — Read It Later. No, really.

Ever struggled with returning to articles you've added for later? MindfulRead will help you to build a healthy routine to actually read it.

On the device that has been created for reading exclusively — your eBook. Calm and distraction-free.

Be the first to enjoy the new experience
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How It Works

What is all the hidden magic? 

  • Img 0484

What you get for the price?

  • Read your "later" articles

    The only Read-it-Later that really helps you to optimize the "reading" part

  • Personalized Digests

    And you are the one who designs it's content

  • Reading on the device created for reading

    Enjoy all features of your Kindle (or other eBook of your choice)


MindfulRead is a subscription-based product

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  • Monthly subscription

    Cancel anytime. Money back in the first 7 days if you wouldn't like the product. You will though.
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